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Main method


The main method, also known as the entry point, is the starting point of any Java application.

When a Java program is executed, the main method is called first by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Program code goes here

Breaking down the syntax

  • Access Modifier: The public access modifier ensures that the main method is accessible from anywhere within the program.

  • Static Modifier: The static keyword indicates that the main method belongs to the class itself, not to any specific instance of the class.

  • Return Type: The void return type signifies that the main method doesn't return a value.

  • Method Name: The name of the method is main, which is the standard identifier for the entry point of a Java program.

  • Parameter List: The parameter list consists of an array of strings named args. This array holds any command-line arguments passed to the program when it's executed.

In simpler terms

  • This line of code is like a sign that says "Start Here!"

  • It directs the Java program on where to begin executing your code.

  • The public and static keywords ensure that this starting point is easily accessible, and the void main part clarifies that it doesn't provide any output at the end.

  • The String[] args is like an extra compartment you can use to provide text information to the program if needed.

  • Remember, the actual instructions (code) that the program will execute come after this line, inside the curly braces { }.

Execution of the Main Method

  • When you run a Java program, the JVM first identifies the class containing the main method.
  • It then creates an instance of that class and invokes the main method, passing any command-line arguments as an array of strings.
  • The main method executes the program code, and when it finishes, the program terminates.