A: Java is a platform-independent, object-oriented programming language.
A: JVM runs bytecode, JRE = JVM + libraries, JDK = JRE + development tools.
A: Blueprint for objects.
A: Instance of a class.
A: public, private, protected, default.
A: Initializes object during creation.
A: == compares references; equals() compares values.
A: Same method name, different parameters.
A: Child class redefines parent method.
A: Child class inherits parent class properties.
A: Same method, different behavior.
A: Hiding internal implementation.
A: Hiding data with private fields and public getters/setters.
A: Abstract type defining methods a class must implement.
A: Class with abstract methods (no body).
A: Prevents modification of class, method, or variable.
A: Static belongs to class; instance belongs to object.
A: Group of related classes.
A: Handling runtime errors with try-catch.
A: Checked at compile-time, unchecked at runtime.
A: Lightweight process.
A: Extend Thread class or implement Runnable.
A: Prevents multiple threads from accessing critical section.
A: Immutable sequence of characters.
A: String immutable, StringBuffer thread-safe, StringBuilder faster.
A: Resizable array.
A: ArrayList faster for indexing, LinkedList better for inserts/deletes.
A: Key-value pair collection.
A: Automatic memory cleanup.
A: Converts primitive to object.
A: Auto conversion between primitives and objects.
A: Refers to current object.
A: Refers to parent class.
A: Yes (constructor overloading).
A: public static void main(String[] args)
A: No.
A: Yes.
A: Checks object type at runtime.
A: Executes once when class loads.
A: Class with single instance.
A: Variable-length arguments.
A: No.
A: Method with body in interface (Java 8+).
A: Converts object to string.
A: Defines object equality and hash.
A: throw for exceptions; throws for method signature.
A: Automatic resource management (ARM).
A: Special class with fixed set of constants.
A: Interface with exactly one abstract method.
A: Concise way to pass code as parameter.
A: Sequence of elements supporting functional operations.