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What is Multithreading?

Multithreading is a programming paradigm that enables a program to execute multiple threads concurrently. A thread is a lightweight, independent unit of execution that shares the same resources, such as memory space, with other threads. Each thread represents a sequence of instructions, and multiple threads can run simultaneously, sharing the CPU's processing time.

The Necessity of Multithreading

The primary advantage of multithreading lies in its ability to enhance program performance and responsiveness. By allowing multiple threads to execute concurrently, a program can efficiently utilize available resources, especially on modern computers equipped with multiple processor cores. This concurrent execution leads to faster completion times for tasks and an overall improvement in application responsiveness.

Multithreading becomes particularly valuable in scenarios where certain tasks can be performed independently. For instance, handling user input while simultaneously processing background tasks, such as file downloads or computations, is a common use case. The parallel execution of these tasks through multithreading creates a more responsive and interactive user experience.